T’is the season. Of snow storms that throw your plans and priorities right up into the air. I know. I’m sitting here watching Day Two of a Southern snow storm –totally dysfunctional since there are never any snow plows and pure paranoia sets in.
Snow days are FREE days. A gift of unexpected time to do nothing, and then get so bored you are actually LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO! So why not let it go, let it go, let it go?
Use this free day to get organized INSIDE your house where you’re stuck anyway, and where it is nice and warm, and you can stay in your pajamas all day long?
You have maxed out on Netflix, done all the baking (and eating!) of cookies your waistline can handle, had a nap before noon, and are tired of nagging the kids to do homework even though they know school has already been canceled for another day.
So, what to do to pass the time? I know! Dig out something OTHER than your driveway.
Dig out from under your clutter, closets, cabinets and more! What better way to spend your snow day? You can even do these tasks with a cup of hot mulled cider, a Bloody Mary, or cup of coffee with a little Bailey’s Irish Crème!
And just think – this will not only get you organized and on top of things before the end of the year! It will ALSO keep you off Amazon, eBay, Pinterest and Etsy– spending money on gifts people don’t need and stuff that you don’t have room for.
So, here is a good organizing task or two that anyone in the family can handle! Even the dog or cat! Finish your belated breakfast, fill up your next cup of coffee or tea, and DIG IN to DIG OUT your clutter, chaos and detritus of life.
Based on my professional organizing experience in countless homes of all shapes and sizes, these are some of the most predictable problem areas in the home. But fixing them is actually very easy, quick, and high impact! The results are immediate and long-lasting. Imagine opening your closet tomorrow and having everything in order. These easy organizing tasks do not require ANY heavy lifting! And if you have any conscientious objectors, just assign them the REAL digging out task of shoveling the driveway!
1. CLOSETS: Everyone in the home who has their own closet can accomplish this task in very little time! Open your closet. Review every item hiding in there. Remove every item that is too big or too small, unloved, unworn, or unwanted any more, including shoes, purses, etc. Make 2 piles. One for items in good enough condition to DONATE. One for items to be discarded, given to friends, or sold/consigned. Pack up the DONATE items (make sure they are clean and neat) and decide what organization you want to donate to. Note:Make a special effort to find coats and warm clothing and try to find a good local coat drive! Have kids? Make it a contest. Whoever finishes first or has the biggest DONATE pile wins a prize. (Not more stuff. Maybe extended curfew.) Check out some of my favorite closet organizers.
2. BOOKS: Love books? Great! But why not share the love? Go through all your books, keep the ones that mean the most to you, and pack up the ones you will not miss. Then give away to children who don’t have enough books in their life, or just another book lover who will appreciate the story just as much as you have. Take to your favorite charity, check out your school’s policies, or donate to your local library. (While you are at it, cull your magazines and publications. Give away or recycle as much as possible!)
3. TOYS & GAMES: Same as above! Then once you are done, you can pull out a family-favorite andreward yourselves with a robust game of Scrabble or Clue!
4. BATHROOM: Who among us is not guilty of having too many toiletries cluttering our vanity, countertops, shower, and linen closet? 1) Get rid of all almost-empty containers. 2) Streamline what you keep in your bathroom to just what you need and use on a daily basis. 3) Group like items together (i.e. all lotions, allhair products), and contain them in an accessible, organized way. 4) Pare down makeup to that which is actually in use, is relatively fresh (year old orless), and organize it! 5) Unopened toiletries are wonderful to donate to worthy organizations! 6) CLEAR YOUR COUNTERTOPS of CLUTTER! 6) Inspect your toothbrushes and get rid of any that need to be replaced. Then if you need supplies to help you keep stay organized, treat yourself to some awesome bathroom clutter-busting organizers.
4. MEDICINE CABINET: It’s cold … and flu season, so time to check your supplies, discard out of date prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines, and replace with needed “cures” to have on hand. Buy a fun Rx box to store your medicines. Remember, prescription pills must be properly disposed of at a local community drop-off site (check your county’s website). See this checklist to get REALLY prepared for any kind of emergency.
5. PETS: Is ittime to up your game in the pet department? Go through their toys; discard theones that are disgusting, destroyed, or ignored by your discerning dog or cat.Wash their bedding. Check their collars, tags, leashes to make sure everythingfits – then wash it all. Check their medical records and supplies, and makesure everything is up to date. Streamline your pet supplies! Consider signing up for automatic delivery of their monthly prescriptions, food, kitty litter, etc. tosimplify your life. See this great guide from FEMA to create an adequate Emergency Preparedness Plan in place for the four-legged members of your family!
Whatever you decide to organize today, make it fun and get it DONE! Happy Snow Day, y’all.