The horrors of Hurricanes Irma and Harvey are playing out before our very eyes, leaving broken hearts, homes, whole islands in its wake.
I lived through a flood and remember its toll on my family. Our house. My father’s business. My high school. (The only silver lining was that we only had to go to school for half days, in shifts.) The incredulity of seeing your previously uneventful, boring hometown turn into occupied territory overnight – military trucks driving through streets lined with mud, and wondering where to even begin fixing your upside down, inside out life.
But as I watched the families being rescued in Texas, they were not crying. They are dazed, yes. But also calm, grateful. Not looking back. (Yet.) Because they survived. With their loved ones, their pets, and if lucky, a garbage bag of belongings. There will be time for tears and months of shock, loss and financial hardship. But the overwhelming emotion in Florida and Texas seems to be gratitude and relief to be alive. Because at the end of the day, what else really matters besides each other?
So, while we all need to pray for them, and help them, and send money, and commit to more small (and large) acts of kindness for those in need in Texas or in our own hometowns – we should also use this tragedy to inspire us to ACT. Today with money. Tomorrow with money. And every day with prayers and small (and large) acts of kindness in their community or our own.
And this natural disaster reminds us so dramatically that anything could happen to any of us at any time over which we have no control. So, our only protection is to be prepared. Proactively. Because you do NOT WANT to be scrambling, planning, organizing, packing, processing, making lists or locating your passport in the midst of a mandatory evacuation, a fire, a family emergency or any random devastating event. NO. You need your essential documents ready, waiting, and in a waterproof pouch. You want your “go to” get out of Dodge bags packed and ready to go on a minute’s notice. And you sure as heck want a communication plan in place since by its very nature, an emergency happens on its terms and timetable, not yours!
And if we go through this exercise with images of Texas and Florida fresh in our mind, let’s use this opportunity to get the family together and draw up an Emergency Preparedness Plan. These natural disasters should be a teachable moment for those of us not currently suffering. Do it over a neighborhood barbeque or in the car on the way to the beach. Do it with a drink in hand – or two. But whatever, however you choose, just DO IT.
I know, it seems daunting, annoying, and you don’t know where to start. But I have very good news for you, dear overscheduled, overwhelmed reader.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel!! Your US GOVERNMENT has done the work for you. FEMA has you covered. Here is the main link to their website “How to Prepare my Family for Disaster.” You can navigate through the site to find EVERYTHING YOU NEED to be prepared. Yes, it takes time and work to get this done. But think about how much time it would take you on the back end if you don’t.
Decide what matters. Who matters. What you would take with you if you had 15 minutes to leave your home not knowing what might happen. When or if you would be back. And realize that almost ALL YOUR STUFF is expendable. Replaceable. Not essential.
And given that the odds of disaster striking are in your favor (meaning most of us will not be forced to leave our homes in a hurry in the middle of the night), undertaking this exercise is beneficial even if you never need to use it for an actual emergency or natural disaster. A family illness. Going on vacation. Centralized info for the kids’ caregivers. Data for the banks, insurance companies, medical providers.
It’s also a good reality check. What in your life really matters? Maybe it will help you let go of some baggage. Update your files. Improve your peace of mind.
I am a professional organizer. I work with people every day who want to peel back layers of their life and get down to the essential elements of their life. They are often internally motivated to go through this process because they have realized their “stuff” is weighing them down and getting in their way. But even if that dynamic doesn’t describe your situation, know that being prepared for a quick escape is simply smart. Certainly, can’t hurt.
Assembling the names, contact numbers, meetup locations, photo albums, family jewels and birth certificates, will give you a sense of control and confidence – incredibly important “SUPERPOWERS” should disaster strike.